Healthy Love and Money

Healthy Love and Money

Hosted by: Ed Coambs - Therapy-Informed Financial Planning™

Why did you spend so much money on… Couples have fights, disagreements, and misunderstandings about money all the time. This is normal, but is it healthy for your relationship? The solutions to money differences are...

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Embracing Impermanence: Navigating Mortality and Financial Planning with Catherine Durkin Robinson

“Nobody goes into these conversations looking forward to them, but at the end, there is a reduction in fear. There is a reduction in anxiety. 100% of the time, my clients and their families have said, This is not...
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Breaking Money Silence: Transforming Financial Relationships with Kathleen Burns Kingsbury

“So in that moment, we discovered, wow, we have different thoughts and beliefs about money, and we were raised very differently around money, and we also can have humor around this. So that was the first time we...
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Empowering Child-Free Wealth with Dr. Jay Zigmont

“We're saying, all right, how about you go follow your dreams. How about you quit that job you hate, even though you're going to make less money at another job. Go make the change. It is very rewarding. It is also...
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Blended Family Harmony: Communication, Co-Parenting, and Financial Strategies with Mikel Van Cleve

“I can’t emphasize enough with blended families, you are going to have differences and you’re going to have things that you work through, and there’s a healthy way to work through it, and there’s an unhealthy...
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Balancing Love and Taxes with Hannah Cole (pt 2)

“Perfection is not a standard that can be met, but improvement absolutely is. Know that the IRS doesn't expect you to be perfect. The IRS mandate is to collect the substantially correct amount of tax, not the exact...
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Empathy and Taxes: A New Approach with Hannah Cole (pt 1)

“I think you need to hold space and have empathy for yourself, about looking at it [taxes] and attempt to look at it as information and as neutral, even though you're probably going to have these stories that swirl in...
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From Financial Conflicts to Harmony: Financial Intimacy with Traci Williams

“Financial intimacy is as important as physical, romantic intimacy. It is as important and it takes a lot of vulnerability being able to trust another person to see what you have and what you don't have, and to still...
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Reimagining Your Money Mindset with Jennifer Calder

“Money can feel like this thing that we just can’t touch because it causes too much distress. I like to point out how their thinking might be causing some of those distressful feelings.”   What if reframing your...
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Mastering Financial Flexibility: Sustainable Budgeting Tips with Natalie Taylor

“Boundaries are an important part of budgeting, but so is flexibility. And the more humans you have in your family, or the more dynamics you have in your financial life, the more flexibility you need.”   What if there...
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The Complex Intersection of Money and Emotions with Amanda Clayman (pt 2)

“Because we can’t avoid money, money is going to resurface [past trauma]. As grownups, we can predict, if not guarantee that money will surface or trigger these past associations.”   Unlock the hidden pathways between...
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Mastering the Emotional Dimensions of Personal Finance with Amanda Clayman (pt 1)

“That is how we should be thinking about the role of money in our lives - as a training kind of engagement, around, being able to not unconsciously react to things, but being able to stay in a regulated contextualized...
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The Power of Communication & Empathy in Money Matters: Financial Intimacy Talks with Ed Coambs & Shaun Maslyk

“You can foster and deepen financial intimacy in your life, you can do it, it will take effort, and it won’t always feel comfortable in the short run, but it's like learning to dance. It's awkward and then becomes...
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