Financial Planning for Couples
Taking Control of Your Financial Life Together
Opening the door to a lifetime of financial peace, intimacy and freedom. There’s so much more to it than budgeting, investing, and taxes.
Couples Financial planning meets mental and relational health
We are so much more than our financial information. We are full-on humans with hopes, dreams, and aspirations right alongside and mixed in with places of pain, hurt, and humiliation we would rather not talk about.
Working on our finances is an act of courage, bravery, and vulnerability.
Engaging in the Therapy-Informed Financial Planning™ process considers the full human experience’s impact on our relationship with money, ourselves, partners, family, and community, creating the freedom to be our full authentic selves.
What Does Financial Planning for Couples Entail?
The sum is greater than the parts, as the old saying goes. This is especially true with your financial life. Forming a long-term working relationship in couples financial planning helps clients to navigate the dynamic and evolving phases of their financial lives. Far from a set-it-and-forget-it approach, we take an intentional reflective, and action-oriented approach to your financial life.

Cash Flow
Is the lifeblood of your day-to-day life. We help clients ensure that money flows into and out of all the essential areas of living a great life. No counting financial calories, or fad-based budget diets.

Investments & Retirement
Taking a long-term and disciplined approach allows us to keep the big picture in mind. Investments & Retirement create opportunities to build sustainable wealth. We love helping clients navigate the wide range of emotions and beliefs that come up while managing their money. Right alongside managing the technical details of a well-constructed investment plan.

This doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Rather it can be another source of helping you to achieve your goals and desires. While many people are afraid of “uncle sam” we like to invite him to Thanksgiving dinner and figure out how best to get along.

Estate Planning
Easily avoided for so many reasons and yet an essential part of a life well lived. Developing and implementing effective estate planning helps to pass along more than family assets. We know many of our clients have had negative experiences with their own families around estate plans. We help them not to repeat painful patterns.

What makes you feel safe? Insurance can help add to your sense of financial security. We ensure the appropriate insurance is in place to cover the unexpected and unplanned for. It may not be your favorite topic, but it is one we love supporting clients with.

Education Funding
You likely remember what it was like to have your education funded or not funded, as the case may be. There is a wide range of beliefs and attitudes about how best to support education funding. Designing a path that works for your family is what matters most.
Ready to achieve more financial intimacy with your spouse?
Sometimes making that first call is the hardest.
We aim to make you glad you did.
Common challenges couples face When dealing with money
Let’s name the elephant in the room. It’s not always easy to talk about money. You are in good hands with Healthy Love and Money, where we love helping couples talk about their money.

Financial opposites do attract. Carefree styles and disciplined approaches with money once felt so good and different. Now it feels like carelessness and control. It doesn’t have to be that way when we see the inherent strengths and limits to each way of being with money.

Financial anxiety and avoidance exist on a continuum. They are both ways of navigating money based on past painful experiences related to money. When couples move towards the middle with financial approach and financial appreciation, they find financial intimacy and joy.

Being from different financial backgrounds doesn’t have to spell financial doom. When couples harness the best from their different backgrounds and learn to love and respect those experiences, it opens new pathways forward. .

This is often at the core of all other money issues. Our sense of self-worth impacts all the different ways we interact with money, ourselves, partners, children, and family. Being able to build and restore healthy self-worth through secure attachment makes the difference.
Welcome To Therapy-Informed Financial Planning™
I know for many people, the idea of blending financial planning and therapy is new to them. At the same time, when they stop and think about it, it makes sense. We all have some or a lot of baggage around money, and that’s why Therapy-Informed Financial Planning™ is so important. If you are the type of person that loves to learn or questions everything before jumping in, check out this blog post I wrote for you.
What’s your attachment style?
Did you know your attachment style impacts your financial life?
Discover how with this short short quiz.
Like to start slow?
Check out our online course
The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy leads couples through 10 modules of learning, healing, and growth. Providing couples with a map for navigating the world of love and money. Couples become confident in their shared abilities to walk hand in hand, navigating each town of the love and money world.
- Learn to love talking with each other about money. It may not feel possible now, but it is when you work toward it.
- Open up to your deep needs for connection. Healing old relational and money wounds from family and relationships.
- Find fairness between the two of you and the contributions you each make to your relationship.

Schedule your free 30-minute discovery call now.
Share your financial story and learn more about the Therapy-informed Financial Planning™ difference.
Client Reviews

A Letter to Ed
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for being my co-pilot over the past two years (has it really been that long?) as I work on getting my finances in order. I’ve come to really value your long-term, relational approach to planning. It’s been an adjustment for my nervous system, but I genuinely appreciate how you model neutrality, transparency, and acceptance.
Last night, I reflected on how it’s taken me nearly 24 months to become completely transparent with you and reveal how fully chaotic my finances have become. I briefly let myself become enticed by regret, wondering if I should have gotten to this place sooner. But then I remembered our conversation about a future 60-year-old Megan calling future 70-year-old Ed on the golf course to check in about a decision, and it hit me: we have one long, precious life to figure this out.
I’m grateful that, even though it’s taken time, I’ve learned I can trust your consistency. This week, I came across a piece of advice from Jeff Bezos (or someone he quoted ... I know, love him or hate him). He said, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” I’m eager to see fast progress in my finances, but I’m glad we’ve taken the time to build a solid, smooth foundation.
Thank you for being both a collaborator and a confidant as I navigate these exciting (and sometimes admittedly wild) financial decisions."