We learn countless ideas from
our families about money

Many of them are caught and not taught


If you are having money fights with your significant other today, those arguments may be connected to unresolved issues from the past or methods of survival that are no longer relevant to present life

If you have been looking for help and have not been able to find it, don’t despair. Help is out there, and I wrote this book to help you bring your money and relationship together


A powerful invitation to claim the best relationship with your partner and your finances

This book reveals:

  • How your attitudes about yourself, your relationships, and your finances have evolved.
  • How your past experiences and your family of origin are the foundations on which these are built
  • The way you and your partner's attachment styles impact your relationship and finances

“... cultivate closer connections to the ones you love and
create financial harmony.”

– Sarah Carr, CFP®

“... a deeply personal and powerful exploration of our emotional attachment.”

– Bruce Ross, PhD, Past President of the Financial Therapy Association

Hi, I'm Ed Coambs


I'm one of the first three certified financial therapists in the U.S. and have helped create the standards for financial therapy. As an internationally recognized thought leader in financial therapy. The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, Time, and CNBC have cited me. I have master's degrees in business, counseling, and financial planning and am a licensed marriage and family therapist, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, and Certified Financial Therapist™.

Discover How The Four Attachment Styles Impact Your Financial Well-Being

Using the latest in love and brain science, as well as anecdotes from his own evolution from an insecure attachment style to a secure one, Ed Coambs shows how healthy love and money can be achieved no matter your starting point.