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The Couples Guide to

Financial Intimacy

 The Couples Guide To

Financial Intimacy


The most comprehensive program for couples to stop fighting about money and transform their financial and intimate life.

The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy is designed to move you from financial frustration to financial intimacy. Helping couples overcome overwhelm, stress, and not seeing eye-to-eye so they can move toward achieving their financial dreams together.

It's time to address money issues in your marriage...


Learn to fight right, create value-aligned goals, and heal the financial stress that is killing your marriage.  


With the guidance of a expert

financial planner and marriage and family therapist. 


Here is what I know. Every couple hopes their marriage will bring lifelong happiness, connection and financial stability.

Maybe you dreamt of having a spouse who would help your savings grow and also join in on spending for fun, guilt-free. 

You definitely didn't dream of money issues in your marriage. 

Or maybe you did but thought they would work themselves out.

Regardless of your individual situation, conversations about money are heated and stressful. The money issues in your relationship have become too much to bear.  

Put an End to Money Issues in Marriage with

The Couples Guide to

Financial Intimacy

In this self-paced online course, learn how to improve your relationship with yourself, your partner and money. 

I'm a Certified Financial Planner and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. My goal is to make your financial life safe, healing, and collaborative so you can flourish financially and in life.

The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy Helps The Two of You Attain...

FREEDOM - Know where to save and how to spend so you and your partner can live the life you always dreamed of - together.

CONNECTION - Deeply connect with your partner by understanding their fears, hopes, and dreams related to money - while also uncovering your own money story.

FUN - Fostering financial intimacy improves intimacy in all areas of your life. By becoming united with your partner on spending and saving goals, the future feels bright again. 

Ready to End Financial Stress in Your Marriage? 

You’re in the right place. 

The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy will help you work through the most painful money disagreements and make you excited to talk money with your honey. 

This course is also great for:

Financial Therapists, Therapists, Financial Planners,

Money Coaches, etc.

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If you're ready to stop having money merry-go-round arguments, and stop feeling like your partner is your financial enemy rather than your partner in crime...

And if you're ready to...

  • Have calm, respectful conversations about money.

  •  Become a united front when dealing with your finances

  • Heal your financial traumas and become financially empowered

You're In The Right Place


Here's what you'll learn

in the course...

Go at your own pace or complete it in 10 weeks or less.

Module 1

Great Communication

  • Learn how to communicate clearly,  and discuss money issues in your relationship in a healthy way.
  • Develop financial empathy by understanding your own and your partner's experiences with money. 

Module 2

  Attachment Theory

  • Take my attachment style quiz to identify your attachment styles and how they impact your relationship and finances.
  • Understand what a secure relationship looks like. 

Module 3 

Wise Financial Decision Making

  • Learn about the 3 major areas of the brain that impact financial decision making.
  • Using brain science, become a wiser financial decision-maker. 

Module 4

Healthy Emotions

  • Learn how to navigate all the complex emotions you feel related to money. 
  • Unlock your problematic emotional patterns with money.  

Module 5

Family Financial History

  • Uncover beliefs about money from the family that raised you.
  • Explore unhelpful family money patterns and determine what you want to be different. 

Module 6

Developing Financial Maturity 

  • Discover how different stages of life shaped your expectations with money
  • Release childhood money fears and enjoy being a financial adult.

Module 7

Unpack Beliefs About Money

  • Explore your beliefs about money through the lens of social class. 
  • Get comfortable with differences and changes in social class. 

Module 8

Heal Your Relationship With Money 

  • Discover how a wide variety of traumas are at the heart of money pain points and triggers.
  • Learn how to be part of your partner’s healing journey and develop more empathy for one another

Module 9

Financial Planning

  • Take important steps to further develop and move forward with your financial plan together.
  • Create a shared financial plan.

Module 10

Achieve Financial Intimacy

  • Create a plan to continue to grow, heal and transform your financial life as a team
  • Practice financial intimacy, empathy, and understanding together that will continue to transform your relationship for years to come

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Imagine how amazing it will feel to achieve emotional and financial intimacy with your partner so you can...

  • Save to make both of your dreams happen (whether that's a new car or an early retirement)
  • Stop thinking you're heading to divorce because you argue about money constantly.
  • Set your family up for future financial success 

I know you can do it - because my wife and I did all of those things and more. Now it's your turn. 

* If your a professional that works with people and their money this course will positively influence the work you do with your clients and lead to better outcomes.

Were you led to believe...

  • Talking about money was rude or "bad"?
  • You don't deserve wealth?
  • Having too much money is shameful?

Yeah, me too.

But talking about your finances doesn't have to be this shameful, taboo thing.

In fact, when you healthily talk about money with your partner, you develop a stronger connection.

I know because I've done it! (I have been learning and refining this process for years).

Hi, I'm Ed, a Certified Financial Planner, Licensed Therapist, and Specialist in Financial Therapy. 

I am also a happily married man. I have loved my wife for the past 17 years, but there was a time when our relationship was so fraught with money issues, I thought we might not make it. 

I created the course I wish I'd had when I first got married.

You don't have to do all the tedious research, earn three graduate degrees, become a CFP®, or do 8,000+ therapy hours for other people, because I have done all of that for you.


     Changing the course of your family starts with intention and continues with follow through. 

    If you are like so many of the people I work with you didn't see a positive role model of what it looks like to talk openly and honestly about money with your spouse. 

    Let's change the world together by learning how to have meaningful money conversations with our loved ones.


Perhaps you're concerned this won't work.

You’re Backed by a Risk-Free 30-Day Guarantee

The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy is the most comprehensive, step-by-step guide for couples to learn, heal and grow together as a couple and around their finances.

This is for couples committed to changing the way they do money together. 

 If you don’t feel this program is a good fit for you, we will refund 100% of your money back. Within the first 30 days of purchase, send an email to [email protected] showing that you’ve completed the work by watching the videos for Modules 1 & 2 and have completed the associated worksheets.  We ask that you let us know what wasn’t working for you so we can continue to improve the program.

The Questions You Want Answered

Still have questions?

Email Ed

[email protected]

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This course is for you if you're ready to...

  • Unpack unhealthy beliefs you have about money.
  •  Analyze your financial situation and history and take necessary actions to get yourself on track to live the life you actually want.
  • Foster intimacy with your spouse or partner by having tough, respectful conversations about money.


I know what it's like to love your partner more than life itself - and still have arguments about finances. 


If you find yourself saying no one prepared me for navigating money and marriage, I want to change that for you. 

It's not too late to learn, heal and grow so that you two experience your fairytale relationship. 

It's Time To:

  • Talk openly about spending for your family and business
  • Collaborate on how to spend money on home improvement, vacations, and investments
  • Work through painful moments to prevent hurt and resentment

Now is the time for the two of you to actively work towards alignment between short-term and long-term financial goals

  • Take fun family vacations with your kids and pay for college education
  • Tackle the debt you have built up over the years
  • Have a clear financial plan that works for both of you
  • Take the more shame out of having debt or wealth
  • Support your extended family in a way that is meaningful for you.

Best of all now when you talk money you will fight right, stay calm, hear each other out, and won't goto bed angry.

I call this achieving "financial intimacy".

Rather than brushing money issues under the rug or blowing up when your partner spends differently than you would, you can navigate financial issues with grace, empathy, and understanding. 


I Will Teach You How!

So if you're...

  • Not reaching your financial goals as quickly as you would like...
  • You're disagreeing about how money is getting spent...
  • You're feeling undervalued and unappreciated...
  • And financial issues are bleeding into all areas of your relationship - including the bedroom.

It's time to buy The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy

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