Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
How Debt Impacts Financial Well-being and Life Satisfaction financial barriers financial well-being Dec 14, 2021

Debt isn't isolated to only certain people. It's something that plagues people from all social and cultural backgrounds. It's something that almost everyone in our society has struggled with at...

12 Ways Money Shame Impacts Your Finances financial barriers financial well-being money shame May 25, 2021

You know that feeling when you're going to buy something and you start to feel self-conscious?

You might not be able to afford the item, or think it's a waste of money.

This is a result of Money...
How to Overcome Your Barriers to Financial Well-being financial barriers financial well-being Nov 03, 2020

        In my previous posts on Financial Wellbeing, I have defined it, discussed the practical and emotional side of finances, and explained the three stages of...