Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
Looking at the Big Picture: The Purpose of Financial Intimacy in Marriage Jul 29, 2022

Marriage and financial intimacy are a long game. Stepping back from the day-to-day concerns of paying bills, getting groceries, and coordinating summer vacations and kids camps, we see the long...

How Childhood Trauma Can Impair Your Financial Well-Being Jul 28, 2022

Have you considered that If you’ve experienced childhood trauma, you may be at greater risk of being financially vulnerable as an adult?


 A recent study published in the American...

Why is social class the painful and invisible barrier to financial intimacy? Jul 21, 2022

Trying to navigate the financial aspects of marriage can be intimidating, especially if you and your spouse come from different social class backgrounds.


Social class creates an invisible...

Can't Keep Up with the Joneses? It Might be Time to Rethink Your Family's Financial System Jul 14, 2022

How do you feel about your family’s financial life? Family relationships around money can be messy. If your financial life doesn’t look like the Jones’, you’re not alone...

The Surprising Link Between Emotional Well-Being and Financial Intimacy attachment styles earned secure attachment emotional well-being financial intimacy insecure attachment trauma healing Jul 14, 2022

How do you ensure that you and your partner have emotional well-being? 

Financial intimacy goes hand-in-hand with emotional well-being, so knowing how to foster emotional well-being can be the...

Can Brain Science Helps Us Achieve Financial Intimacy? brains emotions financial communication financial decision-making financial empathy financial intimacy Jul 07, 2022

What does the brain have to do with financial intimacy? Much more than you might imagine. 


It is a reciprocal relationship. Let me introduce you to a wonderful area of science called...

Is Your Attachment Style impacting Your Financial Intimacy? Jun 30, 2022

Our romantic relationships involve navigating money together. In close relationships, we can develop financial intimacy to do this. This involves learning to talk about the functional side of money...

Financial Empathy: The Key to Creating Financial Intimacy in Your Relationship financial communication financial empathy financial intimacy Jun 23, 2022

For couples, financial intimacy isn’t as simple as adding your incomes together and dividing by two. To create financial intimacy, you have to be able to see things from your partner’s...