Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
Anxious Attachment Style - Signs and How To Overcome It anxious attachment anxious attachment style attachment style Apr 08, 2021

An anxious attachment style is characterized by a need for constant reassurance, control, and dependency. Anxious people are always scanning the environment looking for clues that their...

What Is Attachment Style? attachment style relationships Mar 31, 2021

Your attachment style impacts every area of your life.

It's formed in early childhood due to your earliest experiences with your primary caregivers.

It results in attachment behaviors...

How To Choose a Relationship Coach Vs a Couples Therapist coaching marriage counseling relationships Mar 24, 2021

Counseling and coaching are quite similar, and yet they fulfill somewhat different needs in helping with relationship issues.

When seeking help as a couple it's important to understand the...

4 Pros And Cons of Online Marriage Counseling marriage counseling relationships Mar 18, 2021

Online couples therapy and marriage counseling are just as effective as traditional therapy sessions and in-person counseling according to research...

Discover the different types of marriage counseling and help your relationship thrive marriage counseling relationships Mar 11, 2021

Marriage counseling can be a highly effective way to help solve relationship issues. One study found that 48% of couples had improved relationships or recovered completely...

How Your Curiosity, Joy, and Play Can Improve Your Relationships attachment style gift giving relationships Mar 02, 2021

      Gift-giving is a part of romantic relationships. Sometimes they are material gifts like jewelry, flowers, or a trip to a favorite vacation spot. Other times they may be...

How Knowing Your Attachment Style Improves Your Gift Giving attachment style gift giving relationships Feb 23, 2021


In relationships, giving gifts is important. By offering a gift to your partner you are showing your appreciation for what they bring to your life. It shows them how you value them...

How to Give Gifts that Improve Your Relationship and Keep on Giving financial well-being gift giving relationships Feb 16, 2021

      Valentine’s Day has passed. Hopefully, you made it through the stress of picking that “perfect gift” that touched your partner’s heart. Or maybe you...