Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
Unexpected Effects of Unresolved Trauma on Personal Finances financial decision-making trauma Jun 17, 2021

Many people have fear and anxiety when it comes to their finances.

For those who have a history of trauma, this can be far worse.

It can not only impact your relationship with money but can impact...

Why Healing Your Trauma Will Improve Your Personal Finances financial well-being trauma Jun 10, 2021

You may be wondering what trauma has to do with your personal finances.

Or you may already have some sense that these two things are connected but you have not been able to explore the relationship...

12 Ways Money Shame Impacts Your Finances financial barriers financial well-being money shame May 25, 2021

You know that feeling when you're going to buy something and you start to feel self-conscious?

You might not be able to afford the item, or think it's a waste of money.

This is a result of Money...
How The Media Creates Money Shame money shame May 18, 2021

Assumptions about people based on their finances are pervasive in the media. 

Money is often seen as a stand-in for the type of person someone is. 

For example, we’re all familiar...

6 Ways To Heal Money Shame and Experience Financial Freedom money shame May 10, 2021


Do you feel shame about the amount of money that you make?

Money shame is a feeling of guilt, inadequacy, or embarrassment due to having too much or too little money.


What Is Money Shame? money shame shame May 05, 2021

Financial shame is an experience that almost everyone has. It's the feeling of shame for having too much or too little money. Money shame can be paralyzing and end up creating problems in your...

Disorganized Attachment Style - Signs and How To Overcome It attachment style disorganized attachment disorganized attachment style Apr 29, 2021

The disorganized attachment style is a mixture of both anxious and avoidant attachment styles, which are both insecure attachment styles.

Disorganized attachment can...

What Is Secure Attachment? attachment style secure attachment style Apr 18, 2021

The secure attachment style is characterized by being able to trust others while also trusting oneself enough not to need constant reassurance from others.

You know what your boundaries...