Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
What Is Financial Intimacy And Why Do I Need It? communication financial empathy financial intimacy Feb 08, 2022

We don't tend to think of intimacy in terms of finances. Yet, developing financial intimacy is one of the most important skills you and your partner can cultivate to create a thriving relationship...

How The Wisdom of Trauma Can Shift Your Love & Money Story financial empathy trauma Feb 02, 2022

Being a trauma-informed couple is likely a new concept to you. Heck, I don’t think I have ever put these words together like this before writing this blog.

If you have been learning what a...

Top 7 Reasons People Go To Couples Counseling communication marriage counseling relationships Jan 27, 2022

There are many potential reasons that couples attend couples counseling or coaching. Sometimes couples go in order to stop conflict and learn better skills to hopefully avoid divorce. Other times...

How To Find Common Ground When Your Partner Seems Irrational With Money communication emotions financial empathy Jan 20, 2022

Do you feel that your partner's habits with money are irrational?

This is all too common in intimate relationships. Especially when two partners have different spending styles like when one is a...

How To Develop A Successful Saver and Spender Relationship financial empathy money fights relationships Jan 12, 2022

One of the number one issues I see in couples is the spender-saver dynamic. 

The spender-saver dynamic is when one member of the couple wants to save most of their money whereas the other...

How Knowing Your Money Story Improves Your Relationship financial intimacy money stories relationships Jan 06, 2022

Welcome to Your Unfolding Life. 

As you continue to embark on this life's journey it is important to continue to reflect on who you are.  

We are all living an unfolding story with...

How Basing Self-Worth On Financial Success Can Be Detrimental relationships self-worth Dec 21, 2021

Self-worth can be based on a variety of things. Some people base their self-worth on their achievements, others on their physical appearance and others on their moral or ethical standards. There is...

How Debt Impacts Financial Well-being and Life Satisfaction financial barriers financial well-being Dec 14, 2021

Debt isn't isolated to only certain people. It's something that plagues people from all social and cultural backgrounds. It's something that almost everyone in our society has struggled with at...