Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
Why The Psychology of Ownership Will Increase Financial Intimacy Jun 14, 2023

What is the psychology of ownership?

Wow is my first reaction to the Google search for the psychology of ownership. The idea of ownership is not new to me and likely not to you. On the surface, the...

3 Meaningful Summer Reads To Increase Financial Intimacy Jun 05, 2023

Summer reading can take on many different meanings.


What comes to mind when you think about summer reading? 


Is it reading a romance novel on the beach while the kids play in the...

10 Financial Intimacy Keys To Ensure Money Fights Don't Ruin Your Marriage Jun 01, 2023

Do you ever wish you could wave a magic wand and all your money differences and financial resentments would disappear between you and your spouse? 


I certainly have. I know there are no...

Does Financial Therapy Work? Let's Process That. May 26, 2023

It All Starts With A NY Times Article

Asking hard questions is the job of great reporters, therapists, and researchers. This is something I have found in common between the three professions....

How Couples Can Make Confident Money Decisions By Balancing Data, Emotions and Intuition couples and money data emotions feelings financial intimacy intuition May 18, 2023

Let’s take a both and approach.

All he does is use spreadsheets to explain why we will be okay Danielle exasperately explains. She is so tired of being spreadsheeted. For Nathan, spreadsheets...

Marriage Heart Attacks: What You Need To Know Apr 28, 2023

I often consult with people about complex family dynamics that intersect marriage counseling and fee-only financial planning, my combined area of expertise. It is my true joy to help families sort...

How My Family Vacation Taught Me 5 Meaningful Lessons on Financial Well-Being Apr 21, 2023

I have talked with clients and others about their experiences of family vacations for many years now. 


Here is what I know. Family vacations are powerful and meaningful. They can also...

6 Lessons from Golf About Fostering Financial Intimacy Mar 23, 2023

There are many reasons I love golf. One of them is the many metaphors about life that can be drawn from golf about life. The psychology of couples and money is my favorite topic, especially...